Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What To Do About Adult Cystic Acne

Adult cystic acne may be a nightmare. It is one thing to experience acne during puberty along with all the other hormonal changes. Teenage acne is now so common that it is almost expected for many people. But to have acne continue into adulthood or even start when you’re an adult is unexpected and depressing - especially when it is cystic acne, the most painful and the most difficult type to treat.

Cystic acne is a kind of common acne or acne vulgaris which appears as nodules or cysts under the skin. The cysts are deeper below the surface than the whiteheads of other kinds of acne. It is because they often form in sweat ducts rather than hair follicles, although in some cases cysts may form in a hair foillicle.

Adult cystic acne nodules are often found on the buttocks, groin and armpit areas as well as the facial area. They’re inflammatory and may be painful as well as embarrassing. When they appear on the facial skin, they may be disfiguringly large and difficult to treat. They also tend to form bigger and longer lasting scars than other kinds of acne.

So what may you do about adult cystic acne? First, let's make it clear that you cannot pop the pimples of cystic acne and you should not even try. The inflamed matter is not close enough to the surface and you will only push it even deeper, generating the issue worse.

In case your acne is mild to medium, the very first thing to try is benzoyl peroxide cream which you may purchase from a drugstore or on prescription. Benzoyl peroxide can also be an active component in many of the most effective acne lotions and washes. It dries the skin and increases sensitivity to the sun, so you will also want to use an acne-friendly moisturizing lotion such as jojoba oil and a sunscreen.

In case you have serious adult cystic acne or in case you find that benzoyl peroxide is not effective enough, you will want to explore your doctor or health-care professional for counsel. Some years ago, it was well-known to prescribe antibiotics for cystic acne, but unfortunately the bacteria that are involved in acne have now become resistant to most antibiotics. Therefore, medical practitioners rarely prescribe these now.

You could be prescribed topical retinoids. These are gels and lotions whose active component is related to vitamin A. They regulate the cells in the hair hair foillicle and prevent obstruction. Retinoids contain tretinoin which is marketed under the brand name Retin-A.

When you first use retinoid products on the skin you will probably find that the acne and redness gets worse before it clears up. Don’t give up too soon, because the products may be pretty effective in the long term.

In case you have a serious case of adult cystic acne and topical gels are not effective in coping with it, your doctor may prescribe oral isotretinoin. This has several brand names including Accutane. Oral isotretinoin may be incredibly effective, clearing or significantly improving acne in around 80% of individuals. In most instances the acne is cleared permanently and does not return when the treatment is stopped, but in about one-quarter of individuals, a second or third course of treatment is expected after some months.

Nevertheless, oral isotretinoin has some serious unwanted effects, so it is only prescribed in serious instances. The most substantial effect is that it should create birth imperfections if taken by pregnant women. For this reason, if sexually active women want to take it, they are normally expected to use two different forms of birth control to be sure that they will not get pregnant. Other unwanted effects contain dry epidermis, nosebleeds and feasible liver damage (although this has been disputed).

So there are lots of solutions readily available for adult cystic acne. There is no need to live with it if it is causing you humiliation or depression. If drugstore treatments are not effective, go see your doctor to discuss feasible prescribed solutions for your adult cystic acne.

A fantastic website called http://www.acne-truth.com as well features some fantastic content on other solutions and themes relating to the subject. A pertinent subject area that I thought was interesting and educational was about best treatment for acne. Consider all of the blog topics and I am sure you will find a topic pertaining to your circumstance.