Friday, June 8, 2012

Get Clear Skin

Cutting through the Fiction to Get the Facts about Acne

Research the condition thoroughly if you want to manage a complex ailment like acne. This is really true when there are plenty of untruths roaming around about acne. For this reason, we will be taking a close look at some commonly held beliefs about acne and debunking some of the myths about it.

Many people assume that the best thing to do when they see a pimple on their face is to squeeze or pop it. Even though you might not see the pimple for a while, your acne will not improve anytime soon. This is because squeezing your pimples will infect them more with dirt. This will make it can spread to other areas. Popping your zits can also cause scarring. This is something you obviously want to avoid. Because it will make your acne even worse, you should always resist the urge to do this. Put on any appropriate medication. Other than this be as gentle as possible with infected areas. Do not pop your zits. Don't even scrub hard on your zits when washing. In error, there are those who believe that acne treatments were developed to instantly provide good results. As a result, they give up or switch products. Acne takes some time to clear up. So, if you are constantly switching products, you aren't giving them enough time to work. Using too many different remedies or medications can further irritate the skin. As a result, the extra exposure might not be good for your skin. So, stick with one treatment. You can't expect your acne to clear up overnight.

Whether or not makeup can lead to acne is a complex issue. Choosing the proper cosmetics can work to camouflage blemishes. There are many people however, who do believe that cosmetics are massive culprits when it comes to acne. Is it safe for you to wear makeup if you have acne? This really depends on the kind of makeup you use and how sensitive your skin is. There are cosmetics that are labeled as noncomedogenic or even nonacnegenic. Those cosmetics are least likely to cause skin irritation. However, if you have severe acne it's best to ask your doctor about what kind of makeup is safe to wear. Your doctor is in a prime position to have answers about your skin that are specific to your skin as everyone's skin is different. Since acne is already a condition that is challenging enough, there is no reason to have the wrong ideas about it, making it worse. It doesn't hurt to do your own research, when you hear something or read it, about acne that may not sound right. Of all of the mistaken ideas there are about acne, only a few of them are in this article.

Click here to learn more about Clear Skin Max.