Thursday, June 21, 2012

Approaches For Dealing With Adult Pimples

Statistically, women are twice as likely as men to suffer adult pimples, implicating a hormonal component to this often frustrating situation. Sources also report that the prevalence of adult pimples is on the rise, with the issue continuing past individuals' 40th year.

What triggers adult pimples?

The answer to this question varies based on the person; but hormones, certain cosmetics, and increasingly-resistant bacteria may all come into play. One thing that is not to blame is a "dirty face" - poor hygiene is almost never to blame for pimples. In reality, lots of scrubbing and washing may irritate your skin more and worsen the pimples.

Pimples happens when a pore becomes clogged with oil or skin skin cells - it's not the result of dust on your face getting into your pores. If the pore remains open, a blackhead forms. The black color comes from oxidation of your skin skin cells, not dust from outside. Once the pore is clogged, it may become infected and form a reddish colored pimple.

Women may recognize a flare-up in their pimples right before their menstrual period, which shows the role that hormones play in pimples. In reality, male hormones are said to be the Trigger of pimples in both genders, but women's hormonal levels change and fluctuate more than men's.

Treatment Options For Adult Pimples

As you work with your health care professional to find a treatment that's right for you, these are some of the alternatives you will probably discuss.

* Over-the-counter pimples treatments may help, primarily those containing benzoyl peroxide.

* Sulphur is an effective topical treatment - it's typically applied as a lotion or in a soap.

* Retinoid creams are said to be productive. It's great to bear in mind that these creams typically take a month or two to show outcome.

* Hormone treatment works well for some adults. typically, the birth control pill is the most easily obtainable means of hormonal control in women; some of whom have found impressive improvements in their skin after starting "the pill."

* All-natural supplements are also an option for pimples victims. Hormone-regulating herbs like Vitex may help, and taking a very good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement may also be of benefit.

* Switching cosmetics may solve the issue, either because the old cosmetics harbored bacteria that was infecting the epidermis, or because of irritants in that particular brand.

* Diet may also play a role, although the "chocolate and pizza give you zits" philosophy is probably not valid. Still, eating a balanced diet regime is important to overall health, and that includes your skin.

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