Friday, October 1, 2010

Acne Scar Laser Treatment - The Latest Method For Acne

Acne poses a problem to almost everyone in todays society. Normally the appearance of acne begins, in both sexes, during puberty and normally continues into adulthood. Acne can do quite a bit of damage both mentally and physically for a person to the extent of causing skin scarring, depression and lowering their self-esteem. Traditionally oral or topical treatments were prescribed for the treatment ofof acne, but presently the best acne scar treatment involves the use of laser. Acne laser treatment is a newer and faster approach for the removal of acne scars known as the acne scar laser treatment.

How does acne scar laser treatment? Well it stimulates the production of collagenin in the skin, the central protein of connective tissue in animals thereby thinning the scars. The required wavelength and the level of strength of the laser should be decided according to the existing scar tissue . During the treatment procedure, it is normally a physican who will decide on the type of laser that is to be used on your skin. Acne scar laser treatment works in various ways such as, without removing tissue (non ablative), removing outer layers of skin (ablative) and microscopically removing tissue (micro-ablative).

The ablative laser method uses a laser to vaporize the external layers of the skin and thus, eliminating the undesired scar tissue. As a result of this procedure, the collagen will be firmed up causing lower scar visibility. Natural cosmetics can be used to cover up any remaining scars. For this acne scar laser treatment, specific type of lasers, known as erbium and ultra pulsed carbon dioxide lasers are utilized. However, as this kind of treatment leaves the unshielded skin exposed, necessary skin wound care should be used on the skin. In addition, one should also check the skin regularly for any signs of infection. The skin may tend to cause redness for up to one year after the acne scar laser treatment, although redness might disappear after a few months from surgery.

The non ablative laser works by causing modifications to the dermis of the skin. This method of acne scar laser treatment does not cause any damage to the epidermis during the treatment procedure. The smooth beam laser heats up the sebaceous gland by focusing on it, thus helping lower the amount of sebum and acne that constantly appears. In addition, this acne scar laser treatment firms up the dermis and reduces scar visibility by heating up the collagen using the laser. This method of treatment will require an anesthetic to be administered by a medical professional before the treatment procedure.

The acne scar laser treatment methodsappear to have inspired the treatment of bad acne and, hence, providing a sense of relief to those who are suffering from acne.