Saturday, November 5, 2011

Recognizing The Distinct Types Of Acne

Acne breakouts are a hormonal skin disorder that causes different types of skin lesions. It is extremely ordinary in these modern times. Although it impacts on teens mostly, even grownups can still get an acne predicament. Many people acquire acne in their 30's or 40's. Acne can be mild, moderate and intense.

Acne cases are a complex condition and there are several kinds of acne. Each must have distinctive form of care and treatment procedures. Here are some of the very common forms of acne:

Acne Vulgaris:

The most widespread of all acne types, acne vulgaris generally occurs during an individual's teenage years. Acne vulgaris is largely characterized by blackheads and whiteheads. They are a non inflammatory form of acne and can easily be treated and avoided.


A more severe kind of acne involves nodules. They include hard lumps below the surface of the skin. They are distressing lumps and tough to tackle. They might bring about more damaging problems if not addressed appropriately. They normally result in scars on your skin.


They are almost same as nodules but they comprise of pus filled lumps. They may be very painful and leave marks. You should talk to your dermatologist if you suspect you've got cystic acne. It is also critical not to pluck and pop them.

Acne Rosacea:

Acne rosacea is not an uncommon kind of acne at all. You normally acquire red skin rashes, papules and pustules on the skin surface. Acne rosacea is a bit more prevalent among women over thirty, however when men get them they can be more severe. If not treated, acne rosacea can result in several other problems. Since it strikes the face directly, it is usually more irritating and bothersome. It's necessary to talk to a skilled dermatologist because it's amongst the most commonly misinterpreted skin conditions. If not diagnosed properly, particular treatments can worsen the skin situation all the more. Scarring may possibly result with this type of acne.

Acne conglobata:

This is the most intense kind of acne and is more widespread in men. Nonetheless, in comparison with other types of acne breakouts it is rather uncommon. It consists of sizeable skin lesions and blackheads that do not only leave scars but also impairs the skin. It starts off from the chest, face, arms and back and advances to other portions of body. Dermatologists generally provide intense therapies for this type of severe acne as it does not respond to other traditional over-the-counter treatments.

You may prevent yourself from having acne breakouts or avoid your current acne problem from getting more serious by obtaining acne treatments. Check out Zenmed DermaCleanse in order to find effective acne treatments that can help keep you acne-free always.