Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trouble-free Herbal Remedies for Teen Acne

Going through your teenage? Suffering from Acne? Don’t worry. You are not alone. Acne is a common and treatable skin condition that causes pimples and other skin problems. About 80-90% of teens will have acne during their teen years. Acne can begin as early as age 8 and will be in its utmost during the teenage. The relieved thing is that it is a temporary problem and never has to battle acne once you pass your teenage. In some cases severe acne can leave scaring or pockmarks, or continue into the adult years.

What leads to acne?

• Due to overproduction of skin cells blocked hair follicles merge with a fatty material called sebum to form a plug in the follicle, resulting in acne.
• Enlarged glands which are usual during teenage will rise the sebum in the face, back and related areas promote the overgrowth of bacteria is also a factor for Acne.
• Swelling due to bacteria growth. Sometimes an explosion occurs as skin cells and follicles become inflamed due to bacterial growth.
• Oil-based cosmetics may add to a build up of fatty sebum in the skin which makes an environment more prone to acne.
• Excessive humidity and moisture on the skin can add to acne.
• Deeper inflammation near the skin result in pimple and deeper will cause cyst. If the oil breaks through the surface it leads to white heads and if it accumulates melanin pigment it changes to black head.
• Many people think that Hereditary, drugs, food, dirt etc are the issues for acne but they don't generally bring about acne. Other than skin eruptions acne can cause many problems. For example, result in physical and emotional impacts, and even upset your personal life. Teen Acne treatments are now accessible in any part but the method includes depending on which type and how severe your condition is.

Natural cures:

• Cleanse your face two times daily with a 5% benzoyl peroxide wash. Rinse with hot water. Follow up with a light moisturizer.
• Apply fresh lemon juice over the face every night. It is a natural astringent and mild antibacterial agent.
• Keep away from sun as Acne medications may cause adverse reactions.
• Applying tomato on the face is good for removing acne scars.
• Rubbing ice cubes against the pimples will reduce inflammation and gradually erase the scars.

If the acne is so severe we need to consult the doctor for the right medicines. Some of the Teen Acne treatments taken by dermatologists are topical retinoids, topical antibiotics, other topical medications, oral antibiotics, and the new F.D.A.

Newer retinoids include adapalene and tazarotene which will aid in unclogging pores. Majority of the doctors start the treatment with tetracycline. Oral antibiotics employed for acne treatment includes cefadroxil, amoxicillin, and the sulfa drugs. To make large pimples and cysts flatten out quickly doctors inject them with a form of cortisone. Recent reports tell the success of laser treatment for acne. Laser resurfacing aids in removing permanent scarring. It is indispensable to consult a dermatologist before proceeding with any treatments as they help to find out the precise treatments with no side effects.